Camp Kaleo


Project Type

Website Design

Release Date


Camp Kaleo's New Website is Music to Our Ears

Learn How Camp Kaleo Gets Loud with Their Freshly Revamped Website

Feeling lost in a sea of Christian wilderness camps in Georgia, Camp Kaleo knew they needed to revamp their website to stand out from the pack. So, they enlisted the help of our expert team to create a site that would make all the other camps green with envy (and maybe a little bit of bug spray). Now, Camp Kaleo is a beacon of hope (and adventure) in the Georgia wilderness.

The Problem

The Problem

Camp Kaleo's old website was in dire need of an upgrade. The user experience was poor, the information was outdated, and the photos were ancient (it's a wilderness camp, not a museum). They wanted to turn up the volume on their brand and reach more people, so they turned to us for a fresh, modern website that would amplify their message and attract new campers.

The Solution

The Results

They wanted to turn up the volume on their brand and attract more campers, so they turned to us for a fresh, modern website that would amplify their message. Using their new brand colors and rustic aesthetic, we created a website that's rugged, yet sleek, and will surely appeal to both parents and the kids who attend their camps.

The Results

The Results

We took Camp Kaleo's old, dusty website and gave it a major facelift that would make even the most grizzled wilderness enthusiast do a double take. Using their brand guide as a roadmap, we crafted a sleek, modern, yet rugged design that would appeal to both parents and the kids. Now, Camp Kaleo is ready to crank up the volume and attract a whole new generation of campers.

Nestled in the lush Georgia wilderness, Camp Kaleo was struggling to stand out among other Christian camps. An outdated website was limiting its growth and deterring potential campers. Our team was approached to create a website that showcased Camp Kaleo’s unique offerings and set it apart from the rest.

With the goal of elevating the camp’s brand, our team blended natural rustic charm with modern design to bring the stunning beauty of the wilderness to life and highlight its exciting activities. Using the brand guide as inspiration, we created a visually stunning website that perfectly captures the spirit of Camp Kaleo.

The result is a website that is both rugged and refined, guaranteed to catch the eye of both parents and children. Camp Kaleo is now poised to welcome a new generation of wilderness enthusiasts and provide them with lifelong memories. Its revitalized website shines as a shining beacon in the Georgia wilderness.

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