A Model School: From a plain old logo to a fresh new brand

A Model School wanted to revolutionize the way schools in third world countries receive funding, and they needed a brand and website to match their big dreams. With the help of our team and the power of cryptocurrency, A Model School is now equipped to inspire students and techies alike with their innovative approach to education.

Logo 2@3x
A Model School White Shirt
A Model School Flag
A Model School Old Classroom
A Model School Green Triangle

Ed Rettig

Founder, A Model School

"The Market House team was wonderful to work with. They took our vision for the future of A Model School and turned it in to a reality."

Amplifying Education: A Model School's Mission to Help Kids

A brand empowering children in the 3rd World

A Model School had a bold goal – to reshape the future of education in underdeveloped nations. They knew that their brand and website would play a vital role in realizing this vision, so they sought a team to help bring their mission to life.

Our team was up to the challenge, tasked with crafting a brand and website that not only highlighted the school’s innovative approach, but also engaged and motivated students, tech enthusiasts, and donors. We combined cutting-edge technology with playful, eye-catching branding that appeals to kids, creating a website that truly stands out in the education world.

Logo 4 white@3x
Arrow Market House
Logo 3
A Model School Kiddos
A Model School Blue-asterisk
Untitled Artwork
Untitled Artwork

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Market House is the kick in the pants that your brand needs