Top 10 Website CTAs (Calls To Actions)

First and foremost, CTA stands for call-to-action. It is an image or text that entices visitors, leads, and customers to take action. While the most commonly seen CTA is “click here” it does not work in all situations nor should it. Every audience/group visiting a site will want to interact with a site in different…

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6 Effective Ways to Personalize Your Website

Website Personalization is the act of creating customized tailored experiences for visitors based on their reason for visiting a website. According to OneSpot “87% of customers say that personally relevant branded content positively shapes their opinion of a brand.” Think of the website like an in-person store, not every customer walks in wanting the same…

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What’s A Responsive Website – And Why Does It Matter?

Your business’s website is a key part of your marketing strategy, but nowadays a website doesn’t just live on a desktop computer. People are on the go, using their phones to run searches or grabbing a tablet instead of sitting at a desk. And that means your website needs to be responsive. What’s a responsive website…

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20 Tips for Sprucing Up Your Website

If you’ve got a website for your business, you might be looking for a few ways to spruce up your site. It’s time for a new look – nothing dramatic, perhaps, but a few things to give your website a little breath of life. Here are 20 tips you can use to update your site.…

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6 Best Practices to Generate More Leads On Your Website

I recently stumbled across an incredible website called Internet Live Sites. If you love numbers and data, this site will fascinate you. The site shows the number of active Internet users worldwide, the number of websites, the number of emails sent, the number of Google searches, photos uploaded to Instagram, Tweets sent, and active Facebook users.…

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Ditching Those DIY Sites

“Our awesome website platform is easy to use. No coding is involved. Just pick a template and start dropping in your content. Before you know it, you have a new shiny website and you did it yourself!” Does that message sound familiar? This is the rhetoric that is spewing from most, if not all, DIY…

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Professional Website Design for Your Brand

It’s time for your website to grow up Like many many companies out there, you probably have a website that should’ve been updated long ago. You know it. Your employees know it. Your customers know it. And, like many websites sitting on long-established domains, it was most likely created by someone with a fleeting interest in…

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DIY websites are ruining the Internet

Sample scenario: Bob runs a company. Bob is used to cutting corners on “unnecessary” expenses. Bob needs a new website, so he just decides to do it himself. Bob made the right call, right? Wrong. When it comes to looking for ways to save money and cut expenses with your business, the last place you…

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How much does a professional website cost?

If you’re reading this article, then it’s likely that you’re looking to know the answer to the question, “how much does a professional website cost?” That’s a loaded question if there ever was one. And, chances are, no 2 people will give you the same response. Whether you’re asking a colleague for a recommendation or getting a…

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Direct Mail Marketing: The Good & The Oh So Bad

When you see a marketing campaign that clicks with you, you know it just works. Even with direct mail pieces that overload your mailbox, when you see one that catches your attention and holds your focus long enough to NOT be tossed into the garbage, that’s effective marketing. All the others that end up in…

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6 ways to combat creative block

UPDATE We’ve doubled this list on the LunchBreak Marketing podcast. Listen to the podcast episode now. Have you ever been working on a project and just hit a wall? Or, what about sitting down to start a project where you need to create 6-8 different, unique business cards that the world has never seen and…

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5 misconceptions about being a designer

I haven’t always wanted to be a designer. Like most kids, I wanted to be a firefighter, a police officer, a cowboy, an astronaut, a professional athlete (more specifically an NBA player and this is funny if you know me because I rarely watch basketball), you know, the usual. The graphic designer never made that…

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