Social Media Impact Study

I recently ran a survey to test how much social media connects with people, what channels they use the most, and how often they are active. The results you see below are not analyzed based on individual respondents, but I will go into that data in a later article to compare social media usage with age,…

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Direct Mail Marketing: The Good & The Oh So Bad

When you see a marketing campaign that clicks with you, you know it just works. Even with direct mail pieces that overload your mailbox, when you see one that catches your attention and holds your focus long enough to NOT be tossed into the garbage, that’s effective marketing. All the others that end up in…

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Marketing to the Lazy Consumer

Regardless of the type of business you have, your customers want to consume your website content without effort. Making the process difficult means you’ve created a higher barrier to entry. Ultimately, you’ve lost them. Customers are lazy and fickle. Our world of instant digital information and connections has created a consumer persona that closely resembles an unmotivated child.…

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Google wants semantic copy

As each second passes and even as I write this article, Google is learning and growing. Since the addition of RankBrain in late 2015, Google wants, even more, to think like humans and deliver more intuitive search results. RankBrain is the machine learning AI integrated with Google search that helps to deliver content from across…

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7 Marketing Truths

With the Digital Summit conference coming up next week, my marketing brain begins to work overtime while I explore the synopsis of pre-conference talks, the keynote presentation, and all the awesome sessions in between. In light of this overload, I’ve written 7 different, tweet-centric marketing truths that I’ve found to be true. These 7 truths are…

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Closing the marketing loop

Marketing really comes down to a few key pieces with regard to customers: finding new customers and keeping old customers. While it might be easier to work with an old lead, it’s vital to continue the search for potential customers to keep the business fresh. Closing the marketing loop allows us to keep communication open…

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Social Acquisition

While I am not in the habit of promoting specific services that aid in social media marketing, I have recently had the chance to work with a local company rocking social acquisition called Insightpool. Their niche is in the Twitterverse, but they utilize data from other services, such as Klout. Again, while I’m not usually…

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Facebook for Business: You have to pay to play

Over the last year or so, Facebook Business Pages have become the quintessential example of having to pay to play. When Facebook first released its Offers feature in 2012, they did an amazing thing that forever hooked me on the POWER OF FACEBOOK: they offered the service for free. Yes, that’s right. Facebook let us pull back…

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